Wander Magazine

Industry: Culture

Services: Logo Design, Editorial Design, Digital Content
Photo sources: Unsplash.com

Designing an independent travel magazine that shows the world through the lenses of local people.

Editorial design

This concept project is featured in The Best Magazine Design by DesignRush.

Read the article here: Best Magazine Print Designs With Impressive Layouts That Boost Readership

The brief.


Wander Magazine is a concept of an independent travel and culture publication that shows the world as it is, without the glitz of Instagram filters and through the lenses of local people. It focuses on cities with big stories to tell through through interviews, features, stunning and vibrant photography, personal profiles. 

logo travel magazine
editorial design graphic design.jpg

The rhythm of the magazine is slow, dreamy, but the graphic style is dotted with bold, colorful photography focusing on people captured at a certain moment in time. 

Editorial design magazine design
Editorial Design Graphic Design Magazine
Typography graphic design
Editorial Design Magazine Design ipad

Democratic Knowledge Project


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